January 2023

General Session Meeting Minutes (January 19, 2023)

CORONADO SHORES LANDSCAPE & RECREATION COMMITTEE GENERAL SESSION MEETING January 19, 2023, 2:30pm, Zoom Conference Video Call MINUTES CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Robert Clinton called the meeting to order at 2:30pm.   ASSOCIATION                                                 REPRESENTATIVE #1        Cabrillo                                                    Jan Yanda #2        La Sierra                                                   Oliver McGonigle #3        Las Palmas                                               Robert Clinton, Chair #4        Las Flores                                                 Karen Perry #5        El Camino                                                Carlos Bonacich #6        La Playa                                                   Jim Woolf #7        La Perla                                                    Beth Mulcahy-Elardo #8        El Encanto                                               Jan Zobrist #9        El Mirador                                                Irene Pedroza #10      La Princesa                                               Linda Shenwick   ALSO ATTENDING:                         GM/Controller                                                     Mark Merson         L&R Staff                                                Missy Smith OPEN FORUM: None   APPROVE MINUTES: General Session of December 15, 2022 – Motion: To approve the General Session Minutes of December 15, 2022, made by Karen Perry and seconded by Jan Zobrist.  (Vote 10/0) Motion Passed. Organizational Session of January 3, 2023 – Motion: To approve the Organizational Session Minutes of January 3, 2023, with the following amendments 1) Association #10 requested that the Chair of the Insurance Committee, who reports to the L&R Chair, be replaced immediately upon the election of Robert Clinton as the L&R Chair.  This election to L&R Chair makes Robert Clinton ineligible to chair the Insurance Committee, since it reports to the L&R Chair; 2) After Linda Shenwick requested to be on the Facilities Advisory Group, Robert Clinton refused the request or the request of La Princesa to have a place on the Facilities Advisory Group.  The motion to approve the minutes with the amendments was made by Jan Yanda and seconded by Beth Mulcahy-Elardo.  (Vote 10/0) Motion Passed.   REPORTS: Management Report – Mark reported that all four pools were back at the proper temperature and working. The electrical panel for the Beach Club, Health Club and lagoon was being worked on by Ochoa Electric and all areas should be completed and working properly by the end of the day.  The bird spikes were installed on all of the tennis court lights and seem to be keeping the seagulls from dirtying the courts.  The BBQ parts have been ordered and when received Enrique will begin installing those parts.  Mark is getting a quote to repaint the three storage sheds by La Princesa and getting a price on fencing.  Mark will also get a quote from Andre of AMW for wood and labor to install the Ipe wood on the lagoon panels.  Mark is currently getting bids for the fabrication of the holder and the installation for the monument wall sign by La Playa.  There have been complaints regarding the sand on the boardwalk from the king tides and our sweeper only picks up dry sand so we will need to wait for the tides to die down and the sand to dry before removing it.  Mark reported that the dehumidifiers in the Health Club need to be checked due to the amount of condensation occurring.  Mick, the Beach Club manager, gave his notice to Mark.  Mark and Mick have been conducting interviews for the position.  Mark reported that he is having weekly ongoing discussions with Iron Wall Security.  Peter Vitale is currently working on several projects throughout the campus.  We are expecting four more days of king tides.   Review of December 2022 Financials – Mark reported the financial information and answered questions. INCOME:                                     Budget                  Actual                     Variance Administration                               $     80, 000.00     $      82,492.50         $          2,492.50 Assessments                                  $ 2,844,752.52     $ 2,889,752.52           $        45,000.00 Recreation/HC, RP, etc.                 $    182,500.01     $    210,585.25        $        28,085.24 Recreation/Beach Club                  $    315,000.00     $    394,709.91           $        79,709.91 TOTAL:                                         $ 3,422,252.53     $ 3,577,540.18        $      155,287.65   CGS:                                             Budget                  Actual                       Variance Beach Club:                                   $    134,029.57     $    145,375.13          $       11,345.56 GROSS PROFIT:                           $ 3,288,222.96     $ 3,432,165.05           $     143,942.09   EXPENSES:                                  Budget                  Actual                       Variance Administration                               $    831,452.46     $    670,645.15          $   (160,807.31) Landscaping                                   $    378,000.00     $    359,227.71          $     (18,772.29) Maintenance                                  $    697,204.02     $    882,606.82          $    185,402.80 Recreation-BC                               $    233,159.47     $    229,541.82           $       (3,617.65) Recreation-HC, RP, Etc.                $    145,821.90     $    149,583.94          $        3,762.04 Security                                         $    548,700.01     $    566,431.34          $      17,731.33 Utilities                                          $    453,885.09     $    577,501.87          $    123,616.78 TOTAL:                                        $ 3,288,222.95     $ 3,435,538.65          $    147,315.70   NET INCOME:                              $            (0.00)     $      (3,373.60)           $      (3,373.60)   ADVISORY REPORTS: Beach Club Sub-Committee – Jan Zobrist reported on the Beach Club meeting held on Tuesday, January 17th, and complimented Mark and Mick for their excellent management of the Beach Club as reflected in the financials. The weekly events are being well attended.  A Valentine’s dance is planned for Friday, February 10th during the regular dance night. Landscape Sub-Committee – Jan Zobrist reported on the Landscape meeting held on Wednesday, January 18th and said that due to the recent storms three trees at the lagoon were down and the landscape crew was working to stabilize them. At La Perla by the public parking lot Vitale is proposing to replant the area and put in fencing to prevent foot traffic Recreation Advisory Group – Carlos Bonacich reported on the Recreation meeting held on Wednesday, January 18th. We need to clarify the sign in procedures for the Health Club with Kathleen.  The bench for the Smith Machine needs to be stored somewhere when not in use.  Due to the recent rains, the carpet in the Roeder was damp in a lot of places affecting yoga.  A new roof and windows would make the Roeder watertight.  During the summer, pickleball sign up sheets may need to be daily and next day sign ups to be consistent with tennis.  It would cost $800 to make court #5 a shared court for summer.  It was suggested that Jim Nix, at the next L&R meeting, give a short presentation on how the shared court would work.   Facilities Advisory Group – Karen Perry reported on

General Session Meeting Minutes (January 19, 2023) Read More »

Meeting Minutes