General Session Meeting Minutes (November 2023)



November 16, 2023, 2:00pm, In-Person Underground/Zoom Conference Video Call


  1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Robert Clinton called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.


ASSOCIATION                                                     REPRESENTATIVE

#1         Cabrillo                                                       Jan Yanda

#2         La Sierra                                                    Oliver McGonigle

#3         Las Palmas                                                 Robert Clinton, Chair

#4         Las Flores                                                  Scott Nicoll, Alternate

#5         El Camino                                                  Trisha Trowbridge, Alternate

#6         La Playa                                                     Jim Woolf

#7         La Perla                                                      Alma Ronis, Alternate

#8         El Encanto                                                  Jan Zobrist

#9         El Mirador                                                  Irene Airin

#10       La Princesa                                                 Linda Shenwick



                        L&R GM/Controller                                    Mark Merson

L&R Administration                                    Lois Gawaran, Missy Smith


  1. OPEN FORUM: None


  2. General Session of October 19, 2023 – Motion: To approve the General Session Minutes of October 19, 2023, with the following amendment to #F stating Karen Perry will be the 5th person on the Rules Committee if necessary, made by Oliver McGonigle and seconded by Jan Zobrist.  (Vote 10/0) Motion Passed.


  2. Management Report – Mark gave an update on the status of projects in progress and completed, the amenities and departments.
  3. Review of October 2023 Financials – Mark reported the financial information and answered questions.

INCOME:                                      YTD Actual            YTD Budget              Variance

Administration                                 $        7,855.86       $        2,083.30            $         5,772.56

Assessments                                     $ 2,607,893.60       $ 2,607,893.60              $                0.00

Recreation/HC, RP, etc.                    $    274,372.04       $    210,102.84            $       64,269.20

Recreation/Beach Club                      $    348,498.39       $    345,984.15              $         2,514.24

TOTAL:                                          $ 3,238,649.89       $ 3,166,063.89           $       72,556.00


CGS:                                              Actual                    Budget                        Variance

Beach Club:                                     $    134,457.68       $    141,978.48            $         7,520.80

GROSS PROFIT:                             $ 3,104,162.21       $ 3,024,085.41             $       80,076.80


EXPENSES:                                   Actual                    Budget                        Variance

Administration                                 $    530,155.80       $    566,510.10              $      36,354.30

Landscaping                                    $    323,544.83       $    341,666.60              $      18,121.77

Maintenance                                    $    822,876.52       $    709,475.27              $   (113,401.25)

Recreation-Beach Club                     $    212,048.79       $    227,441.09              $      15,392.30

Recreation-HC, RP, Etc.                   $    115,515.86       $    126,877.24              $      11,361.38

Security                                           $    478,763.61       $    483,138.12              $        4,374.51

Utilities                                           $    579,321.54       $    493,611.64              $     (85,709.90)

TOTAL:                                         $ 3,062,226.95       $ 2,948,720.06             $   (113,506.89)


NET INCOME:                                $      41,935.26       $      75,365.35               $     (33,430.09)


  2. Beach Club Sub-Committee – Jan Zobrist reported on the Beach Club meeting held on Tuesday, November 14th. Bingo is going strong, 12/6 tree trimming party at 5:30pm, 12/7 start of Hanukkah with lighting of the Menorah at the lagoon bridge at sunset, 12/14 Santa coming to the BC from 5-6pm, NYE party will be $75 per person, afterparty at 9:30pm $25 per person if diners leave.
  3. Landscape Sub-Committee – Robert Clinton reported on the Landscape meeting held on Wednesday, November 15th. There are 3 projects planned for spring planting.  La Playa has 3 Coral trees that are scheduled to be removed in 2026.  Jenny got a great bid to remove those trees now.  Motion:  To go forward with those 3 trees being removed at the beginning of January made by Jim Woolf and seconded by Jan Zobrist.  (Vote 10/0) Motion Passed.
  4. Recreation Advisory Group – Trisha Trowbridge reported on the Recreation meeting held on Wednesday, November 15th. All amenities are going well.  This is the quiet time of the year.
  5. Facilities Advisory Group – Mark reported on the Facilities meeting held on Wednesday, November 15th. He reported that the waterproofing project should be completed on Friday, November 24th if there are no setbacks.  He is waiting on the voicedown replacement for the Beach Club and that project will be completed.  The light posts on the boardwalk have been painted and the benches are looking good.  Mark stated that he would like to have a special L&R meeting dedicated to the Master/Rehabilitation plan in the first quarter of 2024 once he has received the bids to go over them.


  2. Lagoon Leak, Update, Discussion – Mark reported that we are losing about $1k a month in water. Bear Flag has produced a comprehensive report and Mark will get more clarity on specific terms.  He will also be getting additional proposals on this project.
  3. Master/Rehabilitation Plan, Update, Discussion – The Peridian quote, Site Planning Phase would be $35,500, Master Landscape Concept Site Plan(s) would be $70,000 for a total of $105,500. McMahon’s proposal was $75,000 for 3 phases.  Mark is still waiting on a proposal from Rick Engineering and would like to get a total of 6 proposals on this project.
  4. ERTC, Update – Mark reported that Lois contacted the IRS this morning and they have no definitive date when the funds will be paid. Motion: The Committee authorizes the L&R to bill each of the 10 associations an additional $12,000.00 (approximately, based on formula) due and payable on or before 12/15/23.  This additional payment is to balance the operations account and is being authorized as a one-time exceptional payment to facilitate the balancing of the operation account with the understanding that this payment balances the operational account for the Coronado Shores for all deficits arising before and including the period ending 12/31/23 made by Linda Shenwick and seconded by Jim Wolf. (Vote 1/9, #10 yes) Motion Failed. *If and when we receive ERTC funds, the Committee will decide what to do with the funds.  The funds advanced to be returned to the Associations.  Amended Motion:  L&R Committee authorizes a one-time exceptional payment to be made by the 10 Associations in the amount of $120k in total to facilitate balancing of the operational account as of 12/31/23 made by Jan Yanda and seconded by Linda Shenwick.  (Vote 5/5) Motion Failed.  Amended Amended Motion:  The L&R Committee approves the buildings advancement of $120k, per the formula of each Association, to cover the cash flow shortfall and balance the 2023 budget as of 12/31/23 due and payable on or before December 15th made by Oliver McGonigle and seconded by Jan Zobrist.  (Vote 6/2, #1, #10 no, #7, #9 abstain). Motion Passed.
  5. Appointment of 2024 Officer Nominating Committee, Discussion, Action – Motion: To appoint Jan Zobrist, Jan Yanda, and Jim Woolf to the 2024 Officer Nominating Committee made by Irene Airin and seconded by Linda Shenwick.  (Vote 10/0) Motion Passed.
  6. Coronado Shores App, Discussion, Action – Irene said that the app has only about 70 users. A lot of the buildings are not even aware of the app.  We need to get more information out and advertise the app at all of the buildings and the BC/HC and reconvene in January with the stats.  Mark will bring it up at the next  manager’s meeting.
  7. CES Security Camera System, Update – Mark reported that he is waiting for a replacement voice down system at the Beach Club and then all pools will have that feature available through the cameras. Mark and Nate are currently looking for other companies to service the camera system.
  8. Common Area Parking – Security will be strictly enforcing the parking rules effective January 1st
  9. Roeder Waterproofing, Update, Discussion – Bear Flag will be finished with the waterproofing project 11/24/23.


  2. Roeder/Maintenance Wi-Fi, Discussion, Action – Tabled
  3. Coronado City Manager, Discussion – Tina Friend gave an update on issues such as fires on the beach, Strand Way noise and traffic lights, beach sand erosion, electric vehicle stations and said there needs to be more engagement between the City and the Shores.


  1. NEXT GENERAL SESSION MEETING DATE:  2:00pm, Thursday, January 18, 2024, L&R Office In-person and via Zoom.


  1. ADJOURNED: 3:47pm.


Submitted By: ___________________________      Approved On: _______________________