Rules & regulation

Coronado Shores Common Use Areas, Facilities, Amenities Rules & Regulations Handbook

Declaration & Disclaimer
Pool Areas
Recreational Pools
Quiet Pools
Pools & Spas
Health Club
Beach Club
Bicycles, etc.
Vehicles & Parking

Rukes & Regulations Declaration

The following rules and regulations govern the use of the Coronado Shores’ common areas for the enjoyment and safety of residents and their invited guests:

  • Common areas include the Pool Areas, Tennis Courts, Health Club, Beach Club, Roeder Pavilion, lawns, lagoons, walkways, roadways, and out-of-doors parking areas on the property
  • All residents are responsible for compliance with these rules and regulations by their tenants, families, and guests. Refusal to comply with rules may result in suspension of Photo ID Cards or Guest Passes, and fines imposed on owners by their Associations.
  • All persons using common area facilities do so at their own risk. Neither the Associations, nor the L&R Committee, nor their Employees shall be responsible or liable for injuries or accidents.
  • Please note that certain rules provisions may vary for the Summer Months (Memorial Day Holiday Weekend through Labor Day)

Safety & Security Disclaimer

We hope that our security systems provide some deterrence to crime. However, no matter what steps we take, the common areas can never be completely safe and secure. For example, it is possible for anyone to enter the community under false pretenses to commit crimes, for residents to commit crimes against their own neighbors, for guests of residents to commit crimes, or for employees to commit crimes. As a result, the Coronado Shores Community is not and never can be free of crime and we cannot guarantee your safety or security. Accordingly, you should NOT rely on the Landscape & Recreation Committee to protect you from loss or harm. Instead, you should provide for your own security by taking common sense precautions such as carrying insurance against loss, keeping your doors locked, refusing to open your door to strangers, asking workmen for identification, installing a personal security system, locking your car, etc.

Residents are responsible for their household members and guests safety and security and should monitor the activities of their household members and guests. The Landscape & Recreation Committee is not responsible for injuries or accidents. You are using the common area facilities and amenities at your own risk. Please ensure the facilities and amenities are used properly and appropriately.


Each person using AN ACCESS CONTROLLED common area facility/amenity within the Coronado Shores Community, must have in his/her possession one of these three devises:  a valid proximity Photo ID Card, a Temporary non-Photo ID Card, or a colored paper Guest Pass.

  1. THE PROXIMITY PHOTO ID CARDS are issued by the L&R Office. Application forms to purchase or renew these Cards are available from each building’s Association Manager or Doorperson and must be originally signed by the Association Manager or designated Doorperson.  On the Application is the current cost of a Photo ID Card, basic “Rules for access and use of our Recreation Facilities,” and a Map showing the location of the L&R Office.  You must bring this Application and payment to the L&R Office to be issued a Card.
  2. At the L&R Office, each new or renewing Photo ID Card applicant will be given a Handbook of the L&R Rules & Regulations, and will be asked to sign – on the Application Form – that he/she (1) DID READ AND UNDERSTAND the basic “Rules for access and use of our Recreation Facilities” typed on the form, AND (2) WILL READ AND ADHERE TO the L&R Rules & Regulations as detailed in the Handbook.
  3. Proximity Photo ID Cards can be issued to (1) Deeded Owners, (2) a Tenant named on a lease who resides in the Unit for 28 days or longer, (3) a Full Time Household Member residing with the Deeded Owner/Tenant (Spouse/Minor Child etc.), or a Guest who stays overnight in the Unit for MORE than 3 days.
  4. Only one Photo ID Card will be issued to a person, regardless of the number of Units owned.
  5. An owner’s Photo ID Card, and those of his family members etc., will be deactivated when the Unit is rented, as the use rights will be relinquished to the Tenant(s).
  6. The cost of each Card will be set and could change each calendar year.
  7. Up to 6 ID Cards maximum per unit with fewer than 4 bedrooms, may be active at the same time. Up to 8 Photo ID Cards maximum per unit with 4 bedrooms, may be active at the same time.  Exceptions may be granted by an “Exceptions Committee” appointed for this express purpose.  There will be three (3) members, with a “majority rules” decision being two (2) votes or more.
  8. Proximity Photo ID Cards for Owners are valid for the period of up to 5 years maximum, then must be renewed. Owners and Full Time Household Members Photo ID Cards will expire upon the sale or transfer of the Unit.  Tenant’s ID Cards will expire upon the termination of the lease.  If a Tenant leaves before lease expires, or if a Photo ID Card is permanently deactivated prior to the expiration, there is no refund.
  9. A limited number of “TEMPORARYNON-PHOTO ID CARDS with printed Association identification, are provided to each Association, to be “checked out” by the Manager or Doorperson, to be used ONLY if authorized residents or guests arrive when the L&R Office is closed. There is a refundable deposit required to check each Card out.  These Cards are to be “checked in” to the Doorperson as soon as the L&R next opens, and deposit returned.  These Cards are deactivated when the L&R Office is open, as they are NOT VALID FOR ENTRY into an access controlled common area facility when the L&R Office is open, and can be confiscated by Patrol Officers or L&R Employees.
  10. COLORED PAPER GUEST PASSES are for guests visiting an Owner/Tenant and are valid for up to 3 days (72 hours) only. This pass gives access to common area facilities ONLY when accompanied by a homeowner/tenant with a valid proximity Photo ID Card, or non-Photo ID Card.  These paper Guest Passes are issued by the Doorperson at each Building/Association.  Only Adult/guardians that possess a valid Photo ID Card can pick up paper Guest Passes from their Doorperson for their Guests.  If an Owner/Tenant is having several Guests for a day activity, there is a limit of 10 paper Guest Passes per Unit for a day.


*Living in a community such as ours, it is important to be sensitive and respectful of others while using all our Common Area Facilities.

  1. No person may commit any act within the common areas that, if committed in a public place, would be considered a violation of law.
  2. Loud or unusual noises are prohibited. These include but are not limited to: yelling, shouting, singing, or use of profane or obscene songs or language; loud horns, loud playing of musical instruments, or use of loud electronic devices.
  3. Ball games are not permitted on the streets at any time. Ball games and other games are allowed to be played on the lawns as long as they are not unruly.
  4. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in any open space (outside of enclosed areas).
  5. Cooking of food is permitted only on the barbecues provided by L&R and installed by L&R in the Pool Areas or L&R approved barbecues installed at some of the Associations.
  6. Articles found in the Common Areas should be taken to the Security Kiosk. Those of value will be kept at the L&R Office.  Items will be logged but will be disposed of after thirty (30) days if not claimed.


*Please be sensitive and respectful of individuals who might be allergic or fearful of your pet.

    1. Dogs must be leashed at all times and under the immediate control of a competent person. Per City Municipal Code 32.04.202, Definitions, “Leash” means any rope, leather strap, chain or other material not exceeding six feet in length, being held in the hand of a person actually controlling the animal to which it is attached.
    2. No animals are allowed in the Pool Areas, Tennis Courts, Beach Club, Roeder or Health Club – with the exception of service animals as recognized by law.
    3. All pet/animal excretion or droppings must be picked up and properly disposed of by the person in control of the animal. Mutt Mitts are provided throughout the community.
    4. Any animal that annoys, endangers the health of residents, or that causes a nuisance due to excessive noise or otherwise, may be prohibited from the common areas.
    5. Except as required by law, no animals are allowed on the lawn area east of (behind) the Roeder Pavilion. This area is reserved for use as a “play area”.


*Each person using a Pool Area, must have a valid Proximity ID Card or Guest Pass in his/her possession, and display it upon request by an L&R Employee or Patrol Officer.

*Minors younger than 14 years of age, shall not be in a Pool Area unless personally accompanied by an adult.  Alcoholic beverages may not be served to or consumed by persons younger than 21 years of age within any Pool Area.

  1. Barbecues may be used on a first-come basis after 11:00 a.m., but use is limited to one hour per group as a courtesy to others waiting their turn. BBQs may be reserved in the summer months on the day of use.  See the Patrol Officer or Sign Up sheet at each pool.
  2. The use of the tables and chairs in the barbecue areas is limited to two hours maximum per group, year-round. Tables may be reserved in the summer months on the day of use.  See the Patrol Officer or Sign Up sheet at each pool.
  3. Furniture may not be reserved. Furniture that is not occupied, other than for a visit to the restroom or into the pool, is relinquished and available for others to use.  Towels or personal belongings used to reserve furniture could be removed after 20 minutes of nonattendance, by a Patrol Officer or L&R Employee.  Pool furniture must be left in place to avoid blocking exits and access to the pool and barbecues, per County regulations.  Furniture must not be removed from the pool area.
  4. Personal property left unattended will be removed from the pool area by L&R Employees and can be retrieved through Lost & Found at the Security Kiosk for up to (30) days.
  5. A maximum of (10) Guests will be allowed to use the pool areas for any one special event unless special permission is given by the L&R Office and Security is notified. The resident requesting the permission is issued a signed/dated Permit Form from the L&R Office for that event, to carry with him/her.
  6. Trash and litter must be placed in receptacles or removed from the pool areas.
  7. Please be sensitive to the privacy of others if taking photos in the pool areas.
  8. Smoking of any kind, including vaping or e-cigarettes, is not permitted.
  10. Animals are not allowed in the pool areas, with the exception of Trained Service Dogs. (See III. PETS #2.)
  11. RUNNING, diving, boisterous behavior, or excessive noise are NOT PERMITTED. Playing loud music without headphones/ear plug extensions is not permitted.

*TO PROMOTE HARMONIOUS COMMUNITY LIVING, the Activities at our four (4) Pools and their Pool Areas will be restricted by TYPE OF USE and BEHAVIOR.  Two Pools are RECREATIONAL POOLS and two Pools are QUIET ENJOYMENT POOLS.


  1. These two Pool Areas are open for RECREATIONAL TYPE USE AND ACTIVITIES FROM 10:00am to 10:00pm daily, except as otherwise posted. (The El Camino Pool is restricted to Lap Swimming only, between 6:00am and 10:00am daily. Swim fins, the non-marking type only, may be used only during lap swimming hours.  After 10:00am, two lanes remain available for lap swim use.)
  2. Both Cabrillo and El Camino Pool Areas have:

* A Swimming Pool, a Wading Pool, and a Spa

* Bathroom Facilities located within the Pool Area

* Six (6) Gas Grill Barbecues at Cabrillo Pool

* Five (5) Gas Grill Barbecues at El Camino Pool

* Multiple Tables and Chairs for eating meals at the Pools

* Built in Shaded Areas

  1. The following Items or Activities ARE ALLOWED at both the Cabrillo and El Camino Pools/Areas:

* Incoming and Outgoing Cell Phone Calls (Please limit use. Be respectful

  of neighboring guests.)

* Full body knee skins (rash guards) as swim attire

* Water Games

* Pool Toys for personal use that are small (under 36”), soft and inflatable

* Wagons, Carts and Strollers

  1. Also – Follow the Rules listed in Sections IV. POOL AREAS and USE OF POOLS AND SPAS while using these two Pools/Areas.



  1. These two Pool Areas are open for QUIET ENJOYMENT TYPE USE AND ACTIVITIES from 10:00am to 10:00pm daily except as otherwise posted. (The Beach Club Pool is restricted to Water Aerobics only, between 8:30am and 10:00am daily.  The Roeder Pool is restricted to Lap Swimming/Walking only between 7:00am and 10:00am daily.  Swim fins – the non-marking type only, may be used only during these hours, and water aerobics aids such as weights or boards may be used only during water aerobics hours.)
  2. Quiet Enjoyment is defined as resting, relaxing, sunbathing, reading, swimming, etc. Anti-Social Behavior that may cause a reasonable person to experience continuous discomfort and annoyance, or conduct that is considered disruptive – is NOT allowed.  Residents have the right to enjoy their time at either of these 2 pools without interference.  Disruption of quiet enjoyment may constitute a nuisance, which is generally prohibited in our Rules & Regulations.  Quiet Enjoyment Type Use will be strictly enforced.
  3. The Roeder and the Beach Club Pool Areas have:

* A Swimming Pool and a Spa ONLYNeither Pool Area has a Wading Pool.

* Bathroom Facilities located OUTSIDE their Pool Areas.  Neither Pool Area

  has Bathroom Facilities within the Pool Area.

* Only two (2) Gas Grill Barbecues at the Roeder Pool Area

* Only four (4) Gas Grill Barbecues at the Beach Club Pool Area

* Limited Tables and Chairs for eating meals

* Limited Shaded Areas


  1. The following Items or Activities ARE NOT ALLOWED at the Roeder or Beach club Pools/Areas:

* Water Games

* Pool Toys of any size

* Swim Aids or Swim Fins (except during lap swim and water aerobics hours)

* Cell Phone Use (Please leave the Pool Area to make outgoing/incoming calls)

* Wagons and Carts

  1. Also – Follow the Rules listed in Sections IV. POOL AREAS and VII. USE OF POOLS AND SPAS while using these two Pools/Areas.
  2. Alcoholic Beverages which are not purchased from the Beach Club Bar, are NOT permitted in the Beach Club or Pool Area. Residents and Guests may NOT bring their own alcohol to the Beach Club Barbecue Area or to any of the Beach club deck areas, including the Spa.


 *Minors younger than age 14 years SHALL NOT use the Pools or Spas unless personally, accompanied and supervised by an adult acquaintance, per California Building Code CCR Title 24. 

  1. Use of the Swimming Pools and Spas are at your own risk. Please read and follow all posted Safety Rules.
  2. Instructions of a Patrol Officer or L&R Employee must be followed.
  3. No food or beverages are permitted to be consumed while IN the Pools or Spas.
  4. Appropriate swim attire is required. Only bathing suits may be worn in the Pools and Spas (no surfing wetsuits, cutoffs, street clothes, etc.).
  5. Anyone who is not toilet trained or who is incontinent must wear waterproof, tight-fitting diapers designed for swim use.
  6. All beach sand must be removed by showering before entering a Pool or Spa.
  7. The ropes at the El Camino and Roeder Poos are in place for safety reasons – they are required by the County of San Diego as depth markers. Please do not remove the ropes.  Please do not cling to, sit on, stand on or dive from the ropes.
  8. Spas are to be used for therapeutic purposes only. No jumping, diving, swimming or playing in the Spas is allowed.
  9. Children younger than age 6 years should not be permitted in the Spas, for health and safety reasons.
  10. No food, beverages or objects of any kind are permitted in the Spas.
  11. Users should limit Spa use to 15-minute periods. Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.  Therefore, it is recommended that you not use the Spas alone.
  12. Those with health conditions requiring medical care should consult with a physician before entering a Spa.
  13. Hot water immersion while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or certain medicines may lead to serious consequences and is not recommended.
  14. Maximum Spa capacity is restricted as posted.


  1. The following age-based rules have been approved and adopted with the express authorization of both the (DFEH) Department of Fair Employment and Housing and Legal Counsel, based on the manufacturer’s recommendations:
  2. Children (12 years old and younger) will not be allowed to use any CARDIOVASCULAR or WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT. To avoid possible injury, children must be under adult supervision and kept at a safe distance when these pieces of equipment are in use.
  3. Teenagers (13 thru 17 years of age) will not be allowed to use any WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT without adult supervision unless a waiver, signed by the parent/guardian, is on file.
  4. Any person who has high blood pressure, a heart ailment or other known physical or physiological impairment should utilize the Health Club with caution and embark upon an exercise program only with the approval of a physician.
  5. WARNING: Everyone should inspect each piece of equipment before using it.  All individuals using the Health Club do so at their own risk.
  6. Food, glass containers and drinks other than water, are not permitted in the Health Club.
  7. No smoking of any kind including e-cigarettes and vaping, is permitted in the Health Club.
  8. Do not make cell phone calls. If you receive a call, leave the facility for your conversation.
  9. Shirts and shorts or pants and appropriate footwear must be worn in the exercise room at all times. Socks only or open-tow shoes are not permitted.  Shirts must have over the shoulder fabric that creates an arm hole and covers your abdomen; no bandeau style crop tops/sports bras worn alone are allowed.
  10. All lockers and cubbies will be emptied at closing time. Items will be placed in Lost and Found.
  11. Towels will be issued upon request. They must be returned to the Attendant by being placed in the baskets provided for soiled towels, upon departure from the Health Club.
  12. Towels, clothing, bathing suits or other articles shall not be put in the sauna to heat or dry.
  13. Fitness Trainers may only give sessions for compensation to residents of Coronado Shores, defined as those who qualify for a Photo Proximity ID Card, and the Fitness Trainer must first register with the L&R Office, by entering into a Use Agreement, signing a Release of Liability Waiver, providing insurance and purchasing a Photo Proximity ID Card annually.



Tennis courts are available from daylight until dark daily, except for cleaning periods. Courts 2 and 3, 4 and 5 have lights and are available for play until 10:00pm.  Tennis Player(s) turn lights off on all courts when evening play is completed.

  1. A resident may reserve a court for 1 ½ hour periods, double or single play, as follows:
  2. Concerning play on all courts, play shall be on first come, first serve basis on the day of play. On the day of play only, players may add reservations to sign-up sheets posted at 7:00am daily at Courts 1-6 and 7-8.
  3. Daily sign-up sheets will be posted at Court #1 and Court #7 showing all court reservations on that day. Players may add reservations to these sheets during the day of play.
  4. There will be a ten-minute grace period for each court reservation; after that time, the court becomes available for open play.
  5. Residents employing the services of a Tennis Professional can reserve one court of Courts 1-6 after 11:00am for private lessons any day. Courts may also be reserved by the Tennis Interest Group for purposes of social tennis activities, clinics and round robins.
  6. Players must wear tennis clothing. Shirts and tennis shoes or white-soled shoes that will not leave marks on the court are required.
  7. Minors younger than 14 years of age should be supervised by an adult.
  8. Players on Courts 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall have no more than three balls in play on each court when the adjacent court is in use. This also applies to Tennis Pros giving lessons.
  9. Glassware or glass containers are not permitted in the tennis areas.
  10. Use of the tennis courts is restricted to tennis play only.
  11. Proper court etiquette shall be observed at all times.
  12. No smoking of any kind including e-cigarettes and vaping is permitted in or around the tennis court areas.
  13. Tennis Professionals may only give lessons for compensation to residents of Coronado Shores, defined as those who qualify for a Photo Proximity ID Card, and the Tennis Professional must first register with the L&R Office , by entering into a Use Agreement, signing a Release of Liability Waiver, providing proof of insurance, purchasing a Photo Proximity ID Card annually and paying an annual fee.
  14. Residents may not reserve the ball machine for use as part of a lesson with a Tennis Professional.
  15. No Animals are allowed in the Tennis Court Areas with the exception of Trained Service Dogs. (See III. PETS #2)


*Persons under 14 years of age shall not be in the Beach Club unless personally, accompanied and supervised by an adult.

  1. The Beach Club is for the use of Residents and their invited Guests who are accompanied by the Resident. Guests are required to have Paper Guest Passes and to sign the guest log.  The Beach Club staff has been directed to refuse service to unauthorized persons, as this is a PRIVATE CLUB, operating with a Type 51 Club liquor license.
  2. Alcoholic beverages must not be purchased for or by or consumed by persons younger than 21 years of age.
  3. Small Special Parties of 32 or fewer persons may be held within the Beach Club with advance reservations only. Finger food appetizers are only allowed at these parties.  Cleanup is the responsibility of the group.  A Fee may be charged for each event.
  4. Organized Small Group Activities shall respect the activities of other users in the Beach Club and shall behave in a cordial and responsible manner (they shall not monopolize the use of the facility or infringe on the enjoyment of the facility by other users). Organized Small Group Activities must meet criteria established by the L&R Policies.
  5. The Beach Club may be closed for the purpose of a Special Event sponsored by L&R.
  6. No gambling is allowed in the Beach Club.
  7. No smoking of any kind including e-cigarettes and vaping is permitted in the Beach Club, on the decks of the Beach Club or in the Beach Club Pool, Spa or Barbecue Areas.
  8. Pets are prohibited inside the Beach Club, or on its outside Deck Areas, including the Pool, Spa and Barbecue Areas, with the exception of Trained Service Dogs. (See III. PETS #2)
  9. L&R sponsored Special Events (including Dinners, Musical Events) will have a proper dress code.
  10. The telephone is for business calls only. Personal calls are not allowed.  Urgent calls of an emergency type are permitted.
  11. Bare feet, wet clothing and bathing suits without cover-ups are not permitted any time. Please remove sand and dry off water before entering the Beach Club.
  12. Alcoholic beverages purchased from the bar must be consumed within the Beach Club Facility and Pool Area. Alcoholic beverages NOT PURCHASED FROM THE BAR ARE NOT PERMITTED in the Beach Club or any of the Deck Areas, including the Pool, Spa and Barbecue Areas.
  13. Residents and guests who appear to be intoxicated or who behave inappropriately will not be served and will be asked to leave the facility.
  14. Glass containers are not permitted outside of the Beach Club. This includes on the decks, on the bar counter of the front deck or in the Pool, Spa or Barbecue Areas.


  1. The Roeder Pavilion is available for group events sponsored by Associations, L&R Committees, and Residents. A schedule of fees and deposits are applicable for Resident-Sponsored events.  The Information Sheet, Application and Use Agreement, are all available from the L&R Office.  They detail the specific “Use Rules, Policies and Fees” for renting the Roeder Pavilion.  A few essential Rules listed below:
  2. Group functions held in the Roeder Pavilion must be kept inside the Roeder Pavilion and the windows and doors are required to remain closed after 9:00pm.
  3. No smoking of any kind including e-cigarettes and vaping is permitted.
  4. Alcoholic beverages may not be served to or consumed by persons younger than 21 years of age.
  5. Residents and guests who appear to be intoxicated or who behave inappropriately will be asked to leave the facility.
  6. Bare feet and bathing suits without cover-ups or shirts are not permitted inside the Roeder. Please remove sand and dry off water before entering the building.
  7. Minors younger than 14 years of age should be supervised by an adult.
  8. Pets are prohibited inside the Roeder Pavilion, with the exception of Trained Service Dogs. (See III. PETS #2)


  1. Bicycles including e-bikes may be ridden on the roadways ONLY. When on lawns, sidewalks or beach boardwalk, cyclists must walk their bicycles.
  2. All relevant state and local laws and rules of safe bicycle use must be followed.
  3. Racing or playing games using bicycles is prohibited.
  4. All bicycles must be identified by stick-on Permit Tags, obtained from your Association Manager or Doorperson.
  5. Bicycles should be secured at bike racks when unattended. Owners leave  their bicycles unattended at their own risk.  Bicycles will be removed from bike racks at midnight and can be retrieved from Security Kiosk.
  6. EPAMDs (Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices, like Segway’s, Hover Boards, e-scooters and e-skateboards), roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, and razor scooters are prohibited from use in Coronado Shores’ Common Areas.
  7. Common Area bike racks are intended for secured parking of bicycles on a daily basis only. Bicycles cannot be stored in the Common Area bike racks overnight.
  8. Drones are not allowed to be flown in the City of Coronado per Federal Aviation Administration Rules barring Drone use within 5 miles of an airport without prior approval of the Airport Operator (the U. S. Navy). Therefore, Drone use is not permitted at the Coronado Shores.


*Please note that certain Parking Rules and Regulations may vary for the summer months (Memorial Day through Labor Day).

  1. Maximum speed at the Coronado Shores (Avenida del Mundo) is 15 m.p.h. Maximum speed on Avenue de las Arenas (The Shores’ main entrance/exit) is 10 m.p.h.
  2. Outdoor common area parking is restricted to passenger type automobiles, motorcycles, vans, or pickup trucks of such dimensions and configuration that the vehicle could be accommodated in any one of the indoor garage parking spaces.
  3. The Security Kiosk must be informed in advance of guests arriving by automobile. Access authorization will be made by the Resident calling the Doorperson and the Doorperson notifying the Security Kiosk.  This way, the Gate Officer will know the call and authorization is coming from a verified legitimate Resident of Coronado Shores.
  4. Visitors and Guests will be issued a Parking Permit valid for a visit up to 30-days maximum by the Gate Officer if access has been authorized by a Resident via the Doorperson. Unauthorized Guests may be delayed at the Security Kiosk until entry authorization is obtained.  If authorization cannot be obtained, your Guests will be directed to the public parking lot.
  5. For an Open House:
    • Realtors arriving at the Security Kiosk will be asked to show a business card and give the address of a unit for sale or rent, which will be verified using the “Open House” list.
    • Potential buyers/renters arriving at the Security Kiosk without a realtor will be asked to give the address of the Open House, which will be verified using the “Open House” list.
    • Open House signs will not be allowed to be placed in the common areas, either within or outside the community.
  6. Only head-in parking is authorized. Parking is limited to designated parking spaces only.  No vehicles may obstruct garage ramp access.  Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  7. Common area parking is limited to (72) consecutive hours maximum in any one space before the vehicle must be moved. If the 72-hours period is exceeded, the vehicle is subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.  Should a resident need to leave a vehicle for a longer period, a written request defining the length of time desired and the reasons why, must be submitted to and approved by the L&R General Manager prior to parking and leaving the vehicle.
  1. All vehicles parked in the common areas shall display either a Resident Decal or a Parking Permit in clear view at all times.
    • DECALS: Owners and Tenants with a lease of one (1) year or longer are entitled to a Resident Decal1
      • Up to three (3) Resident Decals will be issued per unit. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis by each Association Manager.
      • Proof of vehicle registration in the Resident’s name and/or condo unit address and a proof of insurance certificate for that vehicle must be presented at the time the Decal is issued.
      • A Resident Decal Request Form must be completed and signed by the Association Manager or designated Doorperson. Resident Decals will be issued by the Association Manager or designated Doorperson when the completed and approved Request Form, proof of registration and proof of insurance have been presented.
      • Resident Decals will be purchased by the Associations from the L&R General Manager.
      • New Decals for Residents will be issued every other year. Each Decal will display the expiration date and an identification number for vehicle tracking purposes.
      • Vehicles do not have to have a Decal if they are always parked inside an Association’s garage.
    • LONG-TERM PARKING PERMITS: Tenants with a lease for more than one month but for less than one year will be issued a Long-Term Parking Permit valid for the term of the lease.
      • Proof of vehicle registration in the Tenant’s name and a proof of insurance certificate for that vehicle must be presented to the Association Manager or designated Doorperson at the time the Permit is issued
      • A Tenant Long-Term Parking Permit Request Form must be completed and approved by the Association Manager or designated Doorperson. Tenant Long-Term Parking Permits will be issued by the Security Kiosk.
    • 30-DAY PARKING PERMITS: Owners who do not qualify for a decal and Tenants with a lease for one month only will be issued a 30-Day Parking Permit:
      • Proof of vehicle registration in the Resident’s name and/or condo unit address and proof of insurance certificate for that vehicle must be presented to the Association Manager or designated Doorperson at the time the 30-Day Parking Permit is issued.
      • A 30-Day Parking Permit Request Form must be completed and approved by the Association Manager or designated Doorperson. 30-Day Parking Permits are issued by the Security Kiosk.
  2. Car covers are allowed in the common areas only if the license plate and decal OR license plate and parking permit are visibly displayed.
  3. Parking spaces in the common areas may not be used for maintenance, repair, painting or washing of vehicles.
  4. Vehicles parked in the common areas may not display “For Sale” signs.
  5. Vehicles parked overnight in the common areas, including mopeds, may not display advertising signs.
  6. No person may remain overnight in any parked vehicle.
  7. No animal may be left in a parked vehicle.
  8. Loading zones may be reserved from 8:00am to 5:00pm M-F through the Security Kiosk. Vehicles that are not permitted and are parked in loading zones, may be cited if no loading or unloading activity is noted.
  9. Parking is prohibited in red zones, near fire hydrants or if obstructing entrances, exits or parking ramps.
  10. Vehicles parked in violation of these parking rules and regulations may be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
  11. Parking in the common area spaces is restricted to authorized persons, except as follows:
    • Emergency Service Providers (including but not limited to Doctors, Plumbers and Appliance Repair persons).
    • Non-Emergency Service Providers (including but not limited to Maids and Caregivers). A parking permit will be issued by the Gate Officer at the Security Kiosk.
      • In the summer (Memorial Day through Labor Day) parking for non-emergency service providers is not allowed in the outside common area parking spaces. Parking may be allowed in an Association’s garage if arrangements are made with the Association Manager.  The Gate Officer will not issue a parking permit if the vehicle is to be parked inside the Association’s garage.
      • Home Improvement Contractors working in a living unit will be allowed to park one (1) vehicle. If the work requires a permit by the City of Coronado, the contractor or resident must purchase a special permit, requested by the Enforcement Committee, for a fee of $200.  All other contractor vehicles for that unit will be directed to park outside of the community or will be allowed to park inside the Association’s garage if arrangements are made with the Association’s Manager.  No parking permit will be issued by the Gate Officer to a vehicle to be parked inside the Association’s garage.
      • In the summer (Memorial Day through Labor Day) each contractor working in a living unit will be allowed to park inside the Associations garages only, if arrangements are made with the Association’s Manager. No parking permit will be issued by the Gate Officer if the vehicle is to be parked inside the Association’s garage.  No parking is permitted in the outside common area parking spaces and all contractors must park outside of the community.
      • Non-resident participants in Coronado Shores’ Activities (including Fitness, Yoga, Tennis, Cards, etc.) will not be allowed to park within the common areas. These individuals must park outside the community.
      • Authorized non-resident guests invited to private parties will be allowed to park within the common areas only if an alphabetized Guest List has been provided to the Association’s Doorperson in advance of the private party in sufficient time to relay it to the Security Kiosk. However, parking will not be reserved.  Parking spaces are on a first come first served basis.
  12. Coronado Shores’ Employees are not allowed to use the common area parking spaces during the summer period (Memorial Day through Labor Day). Parking for Employees may be permitted in the Association’s garage through arrangements with the Association Manager.  No parking permits will be issued by the Gate Officer or Association Manager for Employee vehicles that will be parked in the Associations garages.


*IMPORTANT ENFORCEMENT REMINDER:  Access Cards/Passes MUST be in the possession of each Owner/Tenant/Guest when using the Common Area Facilities and Amenities, including the Pools, Tennis Courts, Roeder Pavilion, Health Club and the Beach Club.  These access cards MUST be shown to the Patrol Officer or L&R Employee if requested.  Only those Owners/Tenants/Guests with valid access cards/passes will be permitted to use the common area Facilities and Amenities.  Those without a valid access card/pass and those who refuse to show an access card/pass upon request, will not be permitted to use or remain at the facility or amenity.

*If a Photo ID Card or Pass is determined not to match the person carrying it, or if a Card/Pass is expired, that Card/Pass will be confiscated, deactivated if it is active and reported to the L&R and also to the appropriate Association Manager.

*REFUSAL TO FOLLOW THE L&R RULES AND REGULATIONS put forth in the previous pages, may result in suspension of use privileges and/or fines.

  1. 1st Offense: Verbal Warning – documented in writing.  Patrol Officer or L&R Employee asks to see Access Card (Proximity Photo ID Card, Non-Photo ID Card or Paper Guest Pass).  Officer logs name, Association, Unit number and expiration date of ID Card or Pass for reference or contacts.  If violator has no Shores ID, the Patrol Officer or L&R Employee will ask for information needed, then ask the violator to leave the facility to retrieve proper Shores ID.  If the violation is Parking or Vehicle related, a Citation is issued.
  2. 2nd Offense: Patrol Officer issues a Citation.  A copy of the Citation is delivered to the Association Manager for contact with the Owner/Tenant or the leasing company if rented.  The L&R Manager and the Violator also each receive a copy of the Citation.
  3. If further action is required, or continuing violations warrant additional Citations, the Association Manager will then follow the Association’s Policies to Enforce compliance, which include: loss of Common Area Facilities privileges (suspension of ID Card for a period of time), and/or monetary fine or fines.
  4. The L&R Management and the Associations should maintain records, so that repeat violations are documented.
  5. Each Association will notify L&R Management what action was taken if warranted. The L&R Committee will be informed each month at their regular meeting of the violations within the Common Areas, and what action, if needed was taken at each Association.